Actualité > Ecology : Capitalism holds out no solutions, because Capitalism is the (...)

Ecology : Capitalism holds out no solutions, because Capitalism is the problem !

The 21st United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) is due to be held in Paris in December 2015. It is clear that human activity is responsible for global warming as a by-product of the normal running of Capitalism. The rationale behind the system endlessly exploits people and nature, not for the sake of it but driven by the need for accumulation. The havoc it wreaks can be seen every day, plundering and destroying the planet by overexploiting the natural resources and largescale pollution, continually wearing down the health of the workers and poisoning them day after day. Competition is at the root of wars, misery and forced exile for millions of men and women.

While the whole of humanity is under threat, the exploited are always the most at risk. Around the world, proletarians are bearing the brunt of the consequences of industrial and ecological disasters, working and living in appalling conditions imposed by this barbaric system. Junk food produced by agrochemical farming, industrial disasters (asbestos, the AZF chemical factory explosion, Fukushima, the Tianjin explosions, etc.), pollution, desertification : the Capitalists command and the workers and the peoples applaud. COP21 will not save humanity. Capitalist have never been interested in improving living conditions (except their own) and their only aim in joining forces at a global meeting devoted to the climate is for the big powers to trade the right to pollute in order to safeguard their on-going exploitation of labour and natural resources. Even the climate becomes a commodity and COP21 is its trading centre.

Driven by the growing international awareness of the threat hanging over the future, many people will travel to Paris to express their concern and put their message across to those in power. But they don’t all share the same aims and for some it would suffice to put pressure on the negotiators in order to find ‘good solutions’ within the framework of their mutual trade agreements, which is nothing short of begging the hangman for a painless death. The Marxist-Leninist Communist Organisation-Proletarian Way (OCML-VP) firmly believes that it is not a question of sensitivity or individual conduct, but a genuine need : We must smash Capitalism, tearing out the roots of this system of exploitation, waste and lethal competition.

That is what it means when we say we’re green because we’re red. Ecology inevitably involves smashing Capitalism and imperialism in order to build a society based on the interests of the exploited masses. In other words : Socialism ! We have no choice : we must join forces and organise to build a society based on cooperation, production geared to the needs of those who are exploited the most, respect for the natural resources and equality between territories and proletarians around the globe. As French Maoists, we call upon all anti-capitalists, revolutionaries and communists to condemn and oppose COP21, making it clear that the only real solution is a society free from the Capitalist exploiters and their henchmen !

Capitalism is ruining our lives : Smash Capitalism !
Capitalism is destroying the planet : Smash Capitalism !
We’re green because we’re red !

La déclaration en français : ICI

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